Teen Summer Library Club
Activities & Categories

What are Activities and Categories?
Activities are things to do that you earn additional prizes completing. All activities are optional and many can be done multiple times.
Categories reward reading specific genres, themes, and formats, and double-dipping is allowed.
How does double-dipping work? If you listen to the audio book of The Ones We're Meant to Find by Joan He, it can be listed as a Read Along and Great Outdoors.
How to Log Activities and Categories:
In the Reader Zone app, swipe to the Activities & Categories Group OR the Library Events Group, and confirm YES to log the activity towards a prize. Then tap the 🛈 icon in the upper left corner of the app. Follow the links to the Google form or Padlet, and share what you did/attended/read/experienced or your opinion.
On the Reader Zone desktop site, select the correct group from the vertical menu and click the Add Entry. To get to the Google form or Padlet, you'll need to visit this page or the Teen Summer Library Club page OR bookmark the links on your device.
Things to Do
Attend a Library Event: Attending a library event, whether in person or virtual. This includes Teen Summer Library Club events as well events like the Summer Concert and the Art Talks with Jane Oneail. Attending an event is worth 1/2 a prize. Attend 2 events to earn a bonus prize.
Visit the Library: The library can be a summer destination, too! There's the obvious books - we ARE a library - that you can read anywhere in the building, no library card required, but did you know we have board games, tables for working on summer homework, comfy chairs for reading or scrolling through social media, free wi-fi and air conditioning, puzzles, coloring supplies... in short, there's plenty to do. Every visit is worth 1/2 a prize. Visit the library 2 times to earn a bonus prize.
2024 Scavenger Hunts: There are 3 Scavenger Hunts just for teens this summer, as well as Mr. Mark's scavenger hunts. These scavenger hunts will be available beginning Monday, July 1.
Outdoor Photography Scavenger Hunt: Take one photograph for each of the following categories. Photos can only count for 1 category - you'll need to take 10 photographs total. (printable version of the Outdoor Photography Scavenger Hunt). Earn a prize for completing this scavenger hunt - just show the photos to Casey.
Wild animal (can be of any size, just can't be a domesticated pet or farm animal)
White flower
Something blue
Something in nature that looks like something else (ex: a tree with a face, an animal that's camouflaged)
An animal's home
A feather
An animal track
A bunch of the same thing (ex: a clump of flowers, a lot of ants, a flock of birds)
An interesting rock
Weekly Cryptid Hunt: Several cryptids are spending their summer vacations at the Maynard Library! They will be in a new hiding spot each week, and can be anywhere in the library. Worth 1/5 of a prize. Complete another 4 activities to earn a prize. This activity can be repeated.
Roll a Scavenger Hunt: Roll a pair of dice to determine what you have to find! Can be repeated multiple times. Found in the Teen Room. Worth 1/5 of a prize. Complete another 4 activities to earn a prize. This activity can be repeated.
Summer Science Challenges: Each week, there will be a quick and fun science activity posted to the Summer Padlet. Try the activity, and share your results! Begins July 1. Worth 1/5 of a prize. Complete another 4 activities to earn a prize.
Note: These activities use items that you probably already have or can easily get. However, if you don't have/can't get the supplies, the library will have a small stash available.
Nature Polls: Participate in weekly lighthearted and fun discussions on Padlet where you share your favorites, ideas, and more. Begins July 1. Worth 1/5 of a prize. Complete another 4 activities to earn a prize.
Trivia!: Share an interesting fact! Submit your piece of trivia through the Google form. Worth 1/5 of a prize. Complete another 4 activities to earn a prize. This activity can be repeated.
Pay it Forward: Perform a random act of kindness, big or small, or spend 1 hour volunteering!
Describe what you've been doing on the Google form. Worth 1/5 of a prize. Complete another 4 activities to earn a prize. This activity can be repeated.
Reading Buddies: Read a book or listen to an audio book with a friend or family member, or maybe throw a watch party for a movie or tv series. Whatever you choose, just do it together! You don't even have to be in the same room (or vehicle) - just read or watch it simultaneously or one right after the other and share your thoughts!
Log the title of the book/movie/tv series and who you shared the experience with through the Google form. Worth 1/5 of a prize. Complete another 4 activities to earn a prize. This activity can be repeated.
Categories: Read a book (or anything) in any or all of the following categories and submit the title and author to earn points. Each category counts as a separate activity, and double dipping is allowed (Ex: Audio book version of Divergent - Submit it for Read Along and Now a Major Motion Picture!) Log the title and author through the Google form. Each category is worth 1/5 of a prize. Complete another 4 activities, or read within more categories, to earn a prize. This activity can be repeated.
Great Outdoors Challenge: Read a book that celebrates - or complains about - getting outside and into nature. This include fiction and nonfiction books about summer camp, camping and road trips, as well as books about nature. This category also includes dystopian books where environmental disasters play a major role.
Based on a Book: Watch a movie, mini series, or at least 3 episodes of a TV series based on a book. Video games count, too. Click here for a list of page-to-screen titles.
Now a Major Motion Picture: Read a book or listen to an audio book that has been turned into a movie, mini series, television show, or video game. Book spin-offs from films and television shows count. Ex: Slayer by Kiersten White, set in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe or the Star Wars expanded universe titles. Click here for a list of page-to-screen titles.
Read Along: Listen to an audio book this summer!
New Book: Read a book or listen to an audio book found on the New Books shelves anywhere in the Maynard Library or anywhere else - like another library, the Silver Unicorn Bookstore in Acton, Amazon, Target - so long as it's labeled "NEW".
New-to-You: Try something new! This can mean trying a new format, such as graphic novels or audio books, a new author, or a new genre. You aren't limited to books! Try a new video game format, or watch something new on tv.
Nonfiction: Read or listen to a nonfiction title or watch a documentary.
Short Stories: Read or listen to a collection of short stories or essays. They're great for when you want to read something but don't have a lot of time, or if you want to read a bunch of stories about the same theme!