Meeting Room Policy
The Library meeting rooms are defined as:
The Roosevelt Room, the Trustees’ Room, and the William and Irene Cullen Room.
Purpose: The primary purpose of the Library’s meeting rooms is to provide space for Library-sponsored activities. When the meeting rooms are not reserved for this purpose, the Library permits their use by groups and organizations sponsoring civic, cultural, and educational events. Meeting rooms may be used for individual study if the study rooms are not available and the meeting rooms are not reserved for other purposes.
The meeting rooms may not be used by individuals for the purpose of holding private functions such as birthday parties, baby showers, weddings, or other private celebrations.
Non-Library groups (groups being defined as three or more people) may not reserve the meeting rooms more than twice a month.
Granting permission to use the meeting rooms does not constitute an approval or endorsement of any group or viewpoint by the Library, the Library Board of Trustees, or the Town of Maynard. Non-Library groups (groups being defined as three or more people) may not reserve the meeting rooms more than twice a month. The Library Director and Trustees reserve the right to reject a request to use the meeting room if the anticipated meeting is likely to be unreasonably disruptive to regular library functions, too large for the applicable room capacity, disorderly, dangerous to persons or property, or in any other way inconsistent with any of the terms and conditions of this policy. In determining whether such a likelihood exists, the Board and/or the Library staff may take into consideration the contents of the application form, the history of the group’s or individual’s meeting room use in the library, the history of the group’s or individual’s use of meeting facilities elsewhere, and such other information as the Board deems appropriate. In allocating the use of meeting rooms, the Board of Trustees and library staff shall not discriminate on the basis of the political or religious beliefs of applicant groups, or on any other constitutionally or statutorily prohibited basis. No group or individual may use the Library for any purpose that would directly or indirectly violate the civil rights of others; as set forth in 42 USC 1983; Mass. G.L. c. 151B, and Article 1 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Massachusetts Constitution; as well as any other Federal, State, or local law or regulation. In order to maintain a safe and healthy environment in which library users and staff can be free from harassment and threats to their safety and well-being, use of meeting rooms that is likely to disturb Library patrons in their customary use of Library facilities, impede staff in the performance of their duties, or endanger the Library building or collections will not be approved or permitted.
Order of priority:
Library programs (sponsored by the Library, Trustees, or Friends)
Town Boards, Committees, and Departments
Local non-profit groups and organizations
For-profit groups that have a relationship to Maynard, and groups outside of Maynard
Commercial or fundraising use: No admission or attendance fee or required donation may be charged to attendees by any non-Library group using a meeting room. Meeting rooms cannot be used for the solicitation of business or for any sales of goods or services other than goods being sold by an author/presenter at a Library-organized program or artwork that is included in a Library-approved exhibit. Commercial entities are not permitted to hold public programs at the Library unless the program is one that the Library itself has organized.
Hours of use: The meeting rooms will be available during the hours the Library is open to the public. No non-Library meetings will be allowed to continue after the Library closes. Rooms may be reserved for up to 4 hours per day. Meetings that are held at the end of the day (i.e., close to the library’s closing time) must conclude ten minutes before the library closes to allow attendees time to gather their items and exit the library and to permit staff to close up the room and library on time.
Reservations: Meeting rooms may be reserved online via the booking system on the Library’s website or by phone or in person at the Library. Reservation requests are pending until approved by the Library Director or their designee. Rooms may be reserved no more than three months in advance.
Cancellations and emergency closings: Room bookings are subject to cancellation or room relocation if the room is needed for Library purposes. Whenever possible, the Library will endeavor to provide at least one week’s notice of the change.
When the Library closes due to weather or building emergencies, every effort will be made to notify groups scheduled to use meeting rooms. During adverse weather conditions, group representatives are advised to check the Library website or call the Library and listen to the recorded message.
Failure of the group or individual to notify the Library of cancellations may result in forfeiture of the right to future use of the meeting room.
Fees for use of meeting rooms: No fees are required from Library-related groups, civic organizations, or Town Boards, Committees, and Departments for use of the meeting rooms. Fees are required from for-profit groups and from groups outside of Maynard holding events that are not open to the public. Fees for use are:
Roosevelt Room: $100
Trustees’ Room: $50
Cullen Room: $25
Payment by check (made out to Maynard Public Library Gift Fund) or cash may be made before or at the time of the room use. Full refunds will be provided for cancellations of prepaid reservations. Notice of cancellation is to be given to the Library at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance.
Advertising and publicity: Except as a designation of location, the name and contact information of the Library may not be used in any advertising or publicity for a meeting. Groups must not use advertising or publicity which implies that their meetings are sponsored, co-sponsored, hosted, endorsed, or approved by the Library, unless prior written permission to do so has been given by the Library. The Library does not assume responsibility for audience development for a specific meeting room use unless otherwise agreed to. No group may consider the Library its permanent meeting place or use the Library as its mailing address.
No banners, signs, or other materials related to the meeting may be displayed in the Library building or on Library property without prior approval from the Library Director. Unauthorized material will be removed.
Food and beverages: Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed in the Roosevelt and Trustees' Meeting Rooms. Covered non-alcoholic beverages are permitted in the Cullen Room, but food is not. It is the responsibility of the party using a room to clean up after each use. (See room condition requirements below.) Smoking and alcohol are prohibited.
Attendance: Attendance is limited to meeting room capacity. (Capacity details are provided in the Library’s online room booking system.) All activities must be confined to the reserved meeting room. Approaching library patrons for the purpose of encouraging participation in the group’s activities is prohibited.
Posting and distribution of materials: Posting or mounting materials on the walls or doors of the room without permission from Library staff is prohibited. Distributing materials on Library property without approval of Library management will not be permitted. Unauthorized material will be removed.
Room condition: It is the responsibility of the party using the room to clean up after each use and leave the room (and kitchen, if applicable) in the condition they found it. If the room is not cleaned to the satisfaction of the Library Director, the Director will contact the party using the room. If the response is not satisfactory, the Director may disallow further use of the room by that group. Groups using the meeting room will be held responsible for any cleaning, repair, or replacement costs incurred by the Library or the Town as a result of that use.
Storage and personal property: The Library will not provide storage for any group other than the Friends of the Maynard Public Library. All items used for a meeting must be removed immediately following the meeting.
The Library staff is not responsible for and will not monitor personal items left unattended in the meeting rooms. The Town of Maynard, the Trustees of the Maynard Public Library, and Library employees assume no responsibility for the loss, theft, or damage of any property.
Political activity: Town and state elected officials who represent Maynard may hold office hours and public forums at the Library.
A political party or political group may use a meeting room at the Library provided that:
The meeting is not a campaign event or rally
An admission fee is not charged, and no fundraising or collecting of money takes place in the building or on the property
No campaign or party/group-related buttons, flyers, posters, etc., are distributed in the building or on the property
The Library is listed only as a location and not a host or sponsor in any publicity for the meeting
Special accommodations: The applicant and the organization they represent agree to pay for any special accommodations or security presence required, as determined by the Library. Groups reserving meeting rooms assume full responsibility for providing and paying for special accommodations requested by participants in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Library Director and Trustees reserve the right to determine, in their reasonable discretion, whether any proposed use of a meeting room will require a police detail or other extraordinary police protection, and if so, the anticipated cost thereof. In making this determination, the Library may take into consideration the contents of the application form, the history of the group’s meeting room use, the history of the group’s use of meeting facilities elsewhere, and such other information the Library may deem appropriate, and may consult with members of the Maynard Police regarding this inquiry. If the Library determines that such police protection will be reasonably necessary, the group seeking to reserve the meeting room shall be required, as a condition of such reservation, to pay to the Maynard Public Library by such date in advance of the meeting the costs associated with providing said accommodations, including the anticipated cost of such police protection. Any unused portion of said payment will be returned to the group after the meeting. The group shall be liable to the Library for any deficiency. Insurance: The Board of Trustees reserves the right to require any applicant group or individual to supply a certificate of insurance, from an insurer licensed to do business in Massachusetts, in such amount and in such form as the Board may reasonably deem appropriate, such amount not to exceed $1 million, naming the Board as an additional insured, and covering damage to the Library building, grounds, and collection and injury to persons occasioned by the meeting. Said certificate shall evidence that the insurance it represents is not cancelable except on at least ten (10) days’ written notice to the Board. In the event of such cancellation, the meeting reservation shall be canceled unless the group or individual forthwith substitutes a new insurance certificate meeting the aforesaid requirements.
Emergencies: Groups and individuals are advised to orient their members to the exit routes available in case of emergency. The Library shall not be held responsible for loss, injury or damage to persons or property occurring during or as a result of an individual’s or a group’s use of Library facilities.
Violations: Failure to comply with the intent and provisions of this policy shall be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Violations may result in the loss of meeting room use. Denial of use may be appealed in writing to the Board of Trustees. Any illegal acts regarding meeting room use are subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.
Exceptions: Exceptions to this Policy may be made at the discretion of the Board of Library Trustees or Director as deemed in the best interest of the Library and the community.
Revised and approved by the Library Board of Trustees: September 19, 2023