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Local History Collection


The Local History Collection includes materials important to the history of the Town of Maynard and surrounding areas. The Local History Collection is open to the public during regular library hours.

Local history items can be found on the second level of the library, near the beginning of the Fiction section. The items in the Maynard Library's Local History Collection do not circulate, but Reference staff are happy to assist you in copying anything from text or microfilm for $.10/page ($.25/page for microfilm).


To inquire about local history information, please visit the Reference Department on the 2nd level or call us at 978-897-1010 x103.

The Local History Collection includes:



Local History Links


Maynard Historical Society

The Maynard Historical Society seeks to collect the stories and artifacts of our history and make them available to the public. A large portion of its collection is available online.

Historic Walking Tours of Maynard

This series of walking tours was created by the Maynard Historical Commission in 2012. You can choose from Assabet Village, Downtown and the Mill, New Village and Maynard's Hill, Great Road, Assabet Wildlife Refuge, and Glenwood Cemetery. Each walk is about 2 miles and is a great opportunity to learn more about Maynard history. You can pick up a map brochure at the library or print one from this site.

Town of Maynard Historic Commission

The Maynard Historical Commission is a town-appointed board focused on historical preservation of the town.

Maynard High School Online Yearbook Collection

You can now view Maynard High School yearbooks in their entirety online! Please note that we are missing some years.


Yearbooks are listed in reverse chronological order. You can download the EPUB file to a compatible mobile or ereader device (Android, Apple, Nook, PC), or view the file online.

Maynard Vital Records

List of births (1884-1999), deaths (1884-1927), and marriages (1884-1927) in Maynard from Town Reports in PDF files by decade.

Glenwood Cemetery Listing (lists until 2001)

Compiled from existing records and headstone readings by Maynard resident Peggy Brown, this page lists every person buried in Maynard's Glenwood Cemetery up until 2001 along with their date of death, lot number, and section number.

Glenwood Cemetery Listing (Includes more recent listings)

From records acquired from the Town of Maynard on July 6, 2016. Includes name, lot and section, age at death, and date of death. Listings

Glenwood Cemetery

St. Bridget's Cemetery

Find details about cemeteries and individual memorials for many people buried in those cemeteries. Memorials generally include birth, death and burial information and may include pictures, biographies, family information and more.

Maynard Life Outdoors

Maynard resident David Mark's Beacon-Villager newspaper column on local history, observations on nature and recreational activities, plus an occasional health-related article.

Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System (MACRIS)

MACRIS allows you to search the Massachusetts Historical Commission database for information on historic properties and areas in the Commonwealth. Users of the database should keep in mind that it does not include information on all historic properties and areas in Massachusetts, nor does it reflect all the information on file on historic properties and areas at the Massachusetts Historical Commission.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps of Maynard

From the Library of Congress. These are detailed maps of Maynard covering 1899, 1904, 1910, 1915, and 1924.



Library E-Resources

Maynard Digitized Newspapers
Search the Maynard News weekly newspaper from 1899-1943 and Maynard Enterprise from 1915-1989. You can either search by keyword or all articles on a specific date/date range. 

This is the first step the library has made in microfilming our entire collection of Maynard newspapers. This page will be updated as we add more. Later years are available on microfilm at the library.

Maynard Public Library 77 Nason Street Maynard, MA 01754 Phone 978-897-1010 

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