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Friends of the Maynard Public Library


The Friends of the Maynard Public Library is a group dedicated to supporting the library. As an all-volunteer non-profit organization, we raise funds through our used book sales and annual memberships. With these funds, we expand the programs and services of the library. We're always looking for new members and volunteers!

Events and Programs
We hold a number of events throughout the year, including film series, Mystery Nights, musical performances, and many author readings. In April each year we present the Maynard Book Festival. Our events are all free and open to the public, and usually have very good refreshments! Click here to see our upcoming programs.


Click here to sign up for our e-mail newsletter.

Book Sales
The Friends hold multiple books sales each year. In addition, we have an ongoing book sale shelf near the elevator in the library. Check back often, because these books go fast!


Read more about book sales and how to donate books.

Museum Passes

The Friends sponsor the library's museum pass program, which provides free or reduced admission to twenty local and Boston area museums, including the Discovery Museums in Acton and the Museum of Science and the New England Aquarium in Boston.

Your annual membership helps support library programs. Members will receive an invitation to the Friday Night Preview for our fall book sale, where they can shop before the general public. In addition, we hold Members-Only Appreciation Events with a dessert buffet and musical guests.

All members are welcome to attend our monthly planning meetings. These are usually held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00. Help us plan programs for the whole library.

Not a member yet?  Please join! Click here for our online donation form using Zeffy. If you prefer, you can pick up a form at the library and send it with your annual dues to Friends of the Maynard Library, 77 Nason Street, Maynard MA 01754. Including your email address allows us to use your donation more effectively and save on paper mailings.

Contact Information
Email address:
Mailing address: 77 Nason Street, Maynard MA 01754
Facebook page:

Board members and officers hold one-year terms and are elected at our annual meeting in October. The current board members are:


Aly Severance, President

Abby Casabona, Secretary

Bill Freeman, Treasurer

Greta Friel, Membership Coordinator

Paula Goldman

Karen Lund

Dennis Morrisey

Jan Rosenberg

Sally Thurston

Christie Wyman

Jean Maguire, Library Director

Maynard Public Library 77 Nason Street Maynard, MA 01754 Phone 978-897-1010 

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