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Calendars and Time

Local Calendars


Massachusetts Legal Holidays

From the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


Maynard High School Calendar


Fowler Middle School Calendar


Green Meadow Elementary School Calendar


Maynard Town Hall Meeting Calendar




Calendar Info


Calendars Throughout the Ages

This site provides links to calendars and descriptive histories. Divided into four sections, this site is browsable and keyword searchable too. By following the link to the section called "Various Calendars," the user will find information for calendars currently in use (like the Indian calendar) and out of use (like the Mayan calendar).  This site is helpful to anyone interested in calendars, history, and learning about holidays in other cultures.  


Perpetual Calendars

Learn more about holiday dates, days between dates, historical calendars, and future calendars. See what day of the week your birthday will be on as far out as hundreds of years from now.


Make a Basic Customized Calendar

Create and print a calendar for yourself with this easy-to-use page. 


Weekday Calculator

Want to know which day of the week you were born? Need to find out if the day you met your significant other was a Monday or Tuesday? Have to settle that argument with a friend about when you graduated? Or do you just want to find out if your favorite holiday will fall on a weekend next year?

Just enter the date and find out the day of the week and other fun facts about your specific date.


Week Number Calculator

Enter a week number and year to locate the week on a calendar and see beginning and end dates; or enter any date to find out which week number it falls in.

Days Between Dates

This calculator calculates the duration, which is the day count and the number of days, months and years between two dates. Among other things, it can be used to find how many days old you are and the weekday you were born.











Countdown Timer to Any Date

What are you looking forward to? See the seconds tick down to your vacation, wedding, or retirement. Share your countdown by copying the web address (URL). The countdown automatically adjusts for daylight savings time changes in the selected location.

Official U.S. Time

This public service is cooperatively provided by the two time agencies of the United States: a Department of Commerce agency, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the U. S. Naval Observatory (USNO). Readings from the clocks of these agencies contribute to world time, called Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 

Online Stopwatch

With start alerts, lap times and sounds. Save your timings in a text file.

World Time Server

Shows current time and date in cities and countries in all time zones, automatically adjusted for local Daylight Saving Time rules. Convert times from one location to another or even check current international weather conditions.






Please note that while our website does contain a small number of outside curated links (primarily to local, governmental, and non-profit sites covering subjects of interest to our patrons), we regret that we are unable to spend the time to fully evaluate unsolicited links that are sent to us for inclusion on our site; therefore we do not act on these recommendations.

Revised 7/12/2023   J.J.R.

Maynard Public Library 77 Nason Street Maynard, MA 01754 Phone 978-897-1010 

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