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Book Sale Information
The Friends of the Library hold used book sales over the course of the year. The largest sale is at the library during the town's annual Maynard Fest, usually at the beginning of October. A smaller sale is held in late spring or early summer. In addition, the Friends hold occasional sales at the Maynard Farmers' Market on Main Street in July and August. Check the events calendar or our Facebook page for specific dates and times.
We have an ongoing book sale on the bookcases across from the elevator in the library. Check these bookcases often, because there are always new titles and these books go fast. You can pay for these books at the Circulation Desk.
If you're anxious to buy our very best books, you should join the Friends of the Library. Residents of Maynard who are members of the Friends receive an invitation to our "invitation only" Members' Preview Sale the night before the big sale in October. Click here to find out more about membership in the Friends.
Books and other materials for our sales come entirely from donations. In general, we accept books, audiobooks, CDs and DVDs. Items need to be in good condition - good enough condition that you would buy them for your own house. We especially appreciate books for children. Read more about how to donate books here. And thanks for your generosity! In general, we can't accept book donations in the weeks before the fall sale--we usually run out of storage space in August. Please be considerate of library staff by not leaving donations when the library is closed.
Contributions that can be used by the library are placed into circulation for the public to borrow. Other books are sold, and funds raised from the sale are used by the Friends of the Maynard Public Library to support the library, including 100% of the the purchase price of the museum passes, as well as music programs, author talks, craft programs, job finding programs, educational programs, film programs, the annual Summer Concert, and other programs we present throughout the year, all free and open to the public. In addition, the Friends help pay for physical improvements to the library. The Friends have no paid employees.
Book sales are a lot of work! We have volunteers who sort book donations throughout the year, and we also need help setting up for sales. If you would like to help out at a sale or setting up, or with book sorting, send email to

Fall Book Sale!
Friday, October 4th (7pm - 8:30pm)
Friends of MPL Preview Sale
(by invitation to members)
Saturday, October 5th (10am-4pm)
Sunday, October 6th (12pm -3pm)
We'll have thousands of books, DVDs and music CDs for all ages. You can find thrillers, mysteries, bestselling fiction, cookbooks, gardening books, travel books and biographies. There will be board books, picture books, chapter books and popular series for kids and teens. We'll also have a small selection of jigsaw puzzles! All items are at bargain prices.
Please send an email to with questions or to volunteer at the sale.
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