Local Resources
The mission of ArtSpace, a non-profit community arts center in Maynard, MA, is to provide affordable studio space to local artists, exhibit contemporary art from New England artists and maintain an active community outreach program.
ArtSpace Maynard invites you to Intersection Art Gallery and Gift Shop, their community gallery and satellite space at 63 Nason Street. Conveniently located at the ‘intersection’ of Summer St and Nason St, the Gallery is in the heart of the Maynard Cultural District. They offer a wide variety of original creative art including paintings, prints, sculpture, photographs, jewelry, and textiles.
Art Signals Studio (Maynard)
Art Signals Studio (part of Video Signals) is a wonderful place for a creative adventure, where adults and children, families and friends, clubs, groups, troops, and even corporate teams gather to create and celebrate! It is a walk-in art studio, no experience or classes necessary.
Established in 2014 by a group of artists to create a retail and display gallery in downtown Maynard. The ever-changing work in the gallery includes a diverse range of media and artistic types. All artistans are local and many are residents of ArtSpace Studios.
Web Resources
Art and Architecture Thesaurus
What is cinnabar? What is a rhyton? The Getty vocabularies contain structured terminology for art, architecture, decorative arts, archival materials, visual surrogates, conservation, and bibliographic materials.
"The Fine Art Search Engine." A comprehensive database of more than 6,500 different artists represented by 19,000 links directoy to an estimated 75,000 works at hundreds of museum sites, images archives, and other online resources. Search by artist, artwork or museum, or browse artists by movement, medium, subject, nationality, or name.
An online database containing close to 300,000 artists, with information ranging from biographies to auction records. The site has become the preferred tool for collectors, gallery owners, researchers, appraisers, museum and library personnel, artists, insurers, scholars, and art aficionados. AskArt offers extensive biographical information about American artists, as well as book and periodical references, along with international artists’ auction records and images.
Prepare to be amazed! The Art Project, powered by Google, currently links to more than 1,000 works of art at 17 major art museums around the world, including four from the United States. Choose a museum from the homepage and then use Street View technology to virtually explore the museum or click on specific works of art and zoom in to view them in high resolution. Basic information is provided for the featured artwork and, if available, you may also click on links to Media (a YouTube video), Viewing Notes, Tags, Artwork History, Artist Information, More Works by the Artist, and More Works in the Museum (sortable by artwork or artist). Create your own personalized collection and share it. Navigation tools make the site easy to use.
Library E-Resources
(from Boston Public Library)

Massachusetts residents are eligible to use the Boston Public Library's online e-resources. You will need a BPL e-card to access these resources. If you do not already have an e-card, you can register for one at:
Access all of BPL's e-resources at:
Periodicals covered include English-language periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins. Additional periodicals are published in French, Italian, German, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, and Swedish. This database also indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals. Coverage: indexing of periodicals from 1984-present and abstracting from 1994-present.
A bibliographic database that cumulates citations to Art Index volumes 1-32 of the printed index published between 1929-1984. The database cites articles from periodicals published throughout the world, including English-language periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, as well as periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Dutch. Reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals are also included. Coverage: 1929-1984.
Creativebug has thousands of award-winning art & craft video classes taught by recognized design experts and artists.
This resource requires you to register an account so you may save and continue your progress.
Please note that while our website does contain a small number of outside curated links (primarily to local, governmental, and non-profit sites covering subjects of interest to our patrons), we regret that we are unable to spend the time to fully evaluate unsolicited links that are sent to us for inclusion on our site; therefore we do not act on these recommendations.
Updated 10/14/2023. J.R.